Saturday, July 23, 2011

How to find cash for a 6 week weight loss and fitness program

A gym membership can cost anywhere from £30 per month upwards, relatively small amounts of money providing you use the gym and providing you are getting the results you want!

Affording a one to one personal trainer is seen as being only for those with plentiful spare cash - but in level of importance how much do you really want to lose weight and get super fit with that lovely toned strong body?

We can all find money for things important to us, but why does committing to a proven personal training plan often come further down the priority list than that night out every weekend, hair, nails new clothes to wear on that night out....the list goes on.

How does this work? How do we reallocate our cash for 6 weeks to get the weight loss and body we have already tried to achieve but never quite managed it?

6 week summer special:

  • Goal plan
  • 3 sessions a week one to one with personal trainer - your garden, beach anywhere except the gym
  • You commit to an additional 2 sessions on your own- either in your gym or by hiring specific equipment from your personal trainer
  • Complete daily diary provided by personal trainer - following nutritional advice and fitness advice
  • Email / text successes every day to personal trainer
  • We measure results.
A successful kick start personal training plan takes commitment from you and your personal trainer and if you stick to the advice there is nothing blocking your results ! Fact ! 

Financial planning
  • Decide what you will give up for 6 weeks - one night out at £50 will save you £300 over the 6 weeks - have your friends around instead
  • Delay buying any new clothes for 6 weeks - they will be too big for you - again a saving
  • Keep a piggy bank and save the cost of the wine, treats you are cutting down on
What does this cost:

  1. Initial consultation and goal setting (usual cost £150) £50
  2. 2 times 60 minute resistance training (usual cost £90) £50 - times 6 weeks £300
  3. 1 60 minute CV session (usual cost £45) £25 times 6 weeks £150
  4. Rental of equipment (optional if not using gym) £22.50 for 6 week
  5. Ongoing motivational support 5 times week no charge

Total cost £522.50 / £500 for 6 weeks usual cost - easy payment plans are optional. Usual cost for package above £1,522.50.

There really is nothing stopping your own success - you just have to trust me when I promise you the results you want ! My last client lost 12 pounds and is now strong lean and beautifully toned - she was committed to getting the results she wanted. 

Personal Training why goal setting and ongoing motivation gets results

Personal Training can bring all sorts of results - if you either have the budget or the motivation to stick at it.

My clients have a variety of budgets and time available, but the one thing I promise is results for every single client.

My clients are all given hope ! With that hope they have a plan and with that plan they get their results.
  • My clients set their goals - where are we now and where are we going to be
  • My clients have different budgets - so we design a package using remote training, group sessions and one to one coaching
  • My clients need to be educated in terms of the best routine for their needs.
  • My clients need constant motivation and rewards for when they achieve and achieve
All I do is simply apply the following method which has worked during my last 17 years in finance:

  • Educate
  • Train
  • Motivate
  • Evaluate

So whether my executive clients want me to role up to their gardens and train specific areas, or whether my clients want me to set them on their path to take forward at their own pace, they will all meet their goals

Picture this in this wonderful island called Guernsey.

Client has gym membership but not getting results - weight loss and toned all over. I role up in my car collect them with a couple of friends at 6.30 am - we all go for a run followed up by target specific resistance training. They feel great that day, and read their personalised plan, and apply 3-4 times that week - each day emailing back to me with their experience - successes.

Why is personal training the most rewarding and wonderful career- because I make a difference to all of my client's happiness well being and confidence.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Sports and Social activities

Having spent 17 years in the Guernsey finance industry, I know only too well how important it is for your team to have some quality time together. Yes indeed going for Friday drinks are highly enjoyable, good for relaxing, and getting to know one another, and sharing stories on the Monday after. But.......what about the sports element? Yes there are the active members within the team who do love the outdoor activities, or mud fun runs, but what about providing drinks and education on health fitness and goal setting?

The time has come to spread the word in the Channel Islands (where finance careers are the main focus for anyone looking to climb the career ladder) for employers to educate their team about the benefits of living a healthy active life.

Corporate Wellness education, training and motivation comes with many benefits for your most important asset - your team !

  • Reduction in attrition rates
  • Reduction in sickness
  • Reduced stress levels
  • Improved morale
  • Improved teambuilding
  • Improved productivity

Businesses could  use part of their training or sports and social budget and create new ways to motivate their team. 

John F Kennedy Quote

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Corporate wellness training in the Channel Islands

I fundamentally believe that fitness programs raise productivity in the workplace

An increasing number of companies are taking to heart the fact that programs aimed at making their employees more physically fit are an excellent investment in disease prevention and workforce productivity.
Many large organisations now have their own fitness facilities, others offer employees discounted memberships in fitness and sports clubs, and enlightened companies of all sizes are trying to do something in the health promotion area.
An estimated 2.3 million people suffer from ill-health caused by work each year. Some 32.9 million working days are lost annually from people taking time off because of their illnesses. Work related ill-health can happen in any business, whatever its size. Unlike work injuries, ill-health problems may go unnoticed. They can slowly become worse until the illness becomes permanent and possibly disabling. You cannot afford to ignore the business costs that ill-health may cause!
One way to overcome this, is to consider a wellness program of your own. This needn’t be a hugely expensive operation, but an ongoing commitment to corporate wellness. This commitment should recognise that healthy employees are more productive than chronically ill employees, and that it’s easier and less costly to your business to prevent injuries or illnesses than to deal with them after they occur.
At Partnered Solutions, we tie worker productivity directly to the health care issue. Having worked at senior level in finance for 17 years, we offer consultancy and wellness services. The combination of skills offers companies a new level of service for overall employee health and happiness. We believe that traditional approaches to the health care crisis are misdirected because they are reactive--that is, they wait until after the worker has been stricken with illness or injury, and then deal with it. Our approach, which emphasizes prevention and good health promotion, is much more proactive.
By helping employees change their behaviour patterns and choose more healthy lifestyles, Partnered Solutions  will help you to lower absenteeism and raise productivity. We can do this by offering a number of services including Educating Employees about Stress Management, Wellness and Health; Increasing energy and productivity in your organisation & Achieving Goals with More energetic and thus more productive employees.
For more information about our company wellness programs and our corporate mentoring service please contact Julie Jones on