Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Corporate wellness training in the Channel Islands

I fundamentally believe that fitness programs raise productivity in the workplace

An increasing number of companies are taking to heart the fact that programs aimed at making their employees more physically fit are an excellent investment in disease prevention and workforce productivity.
Many large organisations now have their own fitness facilities, others offer employees discounted memberships in fitness and sports clubs, and enlightened companies of all sizes are trying to do something in the health promotion area.
An estimated 2.3 million people suffer from ill-health caused by work each year. Some 32.9 million working days are lost annually from people taking time off because of their illnesses. Work related ill-health can happen in any business, whatever its size. Unlike work injuries, ill-health problems may go unnoticed. They can slowly become worse until the illness becomes permanent and possibly disabling. You cannot afford to ignore the business costs that ill-health may cause!
One way to overcome this, is to consider a wellness program of your own. This needn’t be a hugely expensive operation, but an ongoing commitment to corporate wellness. This commitment should recognise that healthy employees are more productive than chronically ill employees, and that it’s easier and less costly to your business to prevent injuries or illnesses than to deal with them after they occur.
At Partnered Solutions, we tie worker productivity directly to the health care issue. Having worked at senior level in finance for 17 years, we offer consultancy and wellness services. The combination of skills offers companies a new level of service for overall employee health and happiness. We believe that traditional approaches to the health care crisis are misdirected because they are reactive--that is, they wait until after the worker has been stricken with illness or injury, and then deal with it. Our approach, which emphasizes prevention and good health promotion, is much more proactive.
By helping employees change their behaviour patterns and choose more healthy lifestyles, Partnered Solutions  will help you to lower absenteeism and raise productivity. We can do this by offering a number of services including Educating Employees about Stress Management, Wellness and Health; Increasing energy and productivity in your organisation & Achieving Goals with More energetic and thus more productive employees.
For more information about our company wellness programs and our corporate mentoring service please contact Julie Jones on